2016, Number 4
Hemosurveillance and optimal use of blood components in hospitals
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 472-482
PDF size: 353.66 Kb.
Introduction: the development of an accurate hemosurveillance report is very important along with an analysis of adverse reactions in the transfusion chain regarding the rational and scientific use of blood transfusion.Objective: to evaluate the reports of adverse reactions in the transfusion chain and the use of blood components.
Methods: a descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted, the data obtained from the records of donations, transfusions and adverse reactions between the years 2013 and 2014 at "Abel Santamaria Cuadrado" General Teaching Hospital along with the results of the initial screening for infectious markers were analyzed. Transfusion reactions were assessed according to their severity and accountability.
Results: 9777 blood donations were processed, available 8919 (91.2%), after the screening of infectious markers 325 (3.3%); in relation to the adverse reactions from the donor, the hematoma was the most frequent; 11.226 patients were transfused, 174 less than in 2013, with 13.759 units of blood components managed. There were 84 suspected (80 immediate and 4 later). Transfusion adverse reactions, the first reported was the acute lung injury associated with transfusion (3), and 9 other late associated events. The maximum age of notification was 98 years, depending on the severity, where these patients died as a consequence of an anaphylactic type reaction.
Conclusions: Hemosurveillance starts since the donation fewer patients were transfused and smaller amount of units used in 2014, the hospital transfusion committee analyzed the stability of benefits and risks of the blood transfusions in the hospital to optimize their use.
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