2016, Number 4
Crossbite and treatment in primary health care
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 458-464
PDF size: 279.91 Kb.
Introduction: crossbite is the term used to describe an anomaly of occlusion in the anterior-posterior plane where the lower teeth are in front of superiors.Objective: to evaluate the effectiveness of the inclined plane in correcting previous simple crossbites.
Method: an analytical, cross-sectional study was conducted in school enrollment from kindergarten through sixth grade in primary schools in the health area of Pedro Borras Astorga Polyclinic, Pinar del Río municipality during 2013-2014. The target group consisted of 55 children affected by previous crossbites and of both sexes, ages from 4-11 years while the sample was comprised of 28 children affected by previous simple crossbites treating their correction with an acrylic inclined plane on plaster models; they had weekly appointments to their control and activation. The results were calculated using chi square test with a significance level of p ‹ 0.05.
Results: it was determined that 9.2% of students were affected by previous crossbites, 51% had upper simple crossbites, male sex was the most affected and the age group from 7-9 years; 96% of this anomaly was corrected in a time not exceeding the 21 days.
Conclusions: crossbite is a health problem that affects children. The inclined plane is a simple, fast and effective method which is well-tolerated by patients it is within the recommendations of a Comprehensive Dentist.
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