2016, Number 4
Need for prosthetic rehabilitation in a chosen population of a health area
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 452-457
PDF size: 271.08 Kb.
Introduction: when making prosthetic rehabilitation the purpose is to achieve good mastication, a better physical appearance and gaining good word vocalization along with the improvement of patient’s quality of life.Objective: to determine the need for prosthetic rehabilitation in a chosen population from Hermanos Cruz Health Area and assigned to the Dentistry Department of Abel Santamaria Cuadrado provincial teaching hospital during September 2013 to September 2014.
Material and Methods: a descriptive, retrospective and cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the need for prosthetic rehabilitation of these patients during September 2013 to September 2014. The analysis of the health situation belonging to the different doctors’ offices were reviewed along with the individual-clinical charts of every patient, data of interest were emptied into a model completed for this purpose. The target group was comprised of 10 238 patients and the sample included 6 680 patients having inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Results: it was found that only 26.7% of the sample needed rehabilitation, the group of 60 years and older required it, the maxilla was the most affected and more patients needing partial rehabilitation were detected.
Conclusions: the need for prosthetic rehabilitation was determined in the population attending to the Dentistry Department of Abel Santamaria Cuadrado provincial teaching hospital during September 2013 to September 2014.
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