2016, Number 4
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Rev Odont Mex 2016; 20 (4)
Resistance to displacement analysis of two resin cements in intra-root dentin
Miguelena MKE, Guerrero IJ, Garcilazo GA, Ríos SE
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 238-242
PDF size: 405.46 Kb.
Several factors must be taken into account when cementing an endodontic post reinforced with fiberglass, among them we can mention selection of the cementing agent. Market available cements differ with respect to application mode, working time, polymerization and chemical composition. It is therefore necessary to count with sufficient knowledge of all their characteristics and behavior, not only from the clinical approach, but also in the laboratory. The evolution of resin cements is nowadays geared to technique simplification so as to decrease time and margin of error during clinical process. Moreover, previous studies have demonstrated that these changes have decreased adhesion force to dentin.
Objective: The purpose of the present study was to observe the behavior of two resin cementing agents, assessing their adhesion strength in intra-root dentin: the BisCem
®, Bisco Inc. system, formed by a dual self-adhesive cement, and the ParaCore
® Automix (Coltene/Whaledent) system which is a dual cement system requiring a chemical curing self-conditioning agent and dentin adhesives (ParaBond
® Coltene Whaledent).
Material and methods: Thirty six single rooted teeth we encapsulated in acrylic and worn down until reaching intra-root dentin. Following manufacturer´s instructions, 18 samples were executed for each cement, and then in a universal testing device they were subjected to shearing tests (guillotine test) at a speed of 1 mm per minute.
Results: It was observed that BisCem
® exhibited lesser adhesion force than ParaCore
® Automix. After statistically analyzing outcome by means of a «T» Student test, results revealed significant difference between both cements.
Conclusion: ParaCore
® Automix, requiring previous dentin conditioning (ParaBond
®), exhibited greater adhesion force.
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