2016, Number 4
The graduate pedagogical process in the Comprehensive General Medicine specialization: towards a practice based on the cultural-historical approach to human development
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 447-455
PDF size: 153.12 Kb.
Cuban educators conceive programs and processes using the cultural-historical approach to human development, since this is the theory that, thanks to its founder Lev Semiónovich Vygotsky, could overcome the approaches that fragmented the analysis and understanding of the human development. Such currents of thought hyperbolized the different conditioning factors of this development and ignored the dialectical relationship between them in terms of personality formation and development, its processes, and properties. By using the conceptual and methodological apparatus of dialectical materialism, Vygotsky developed different concepts: the genetic law of development (internalization), the zone of proximal development, the social situation of development, the mediated nature of mental processes, as well as the concept of lived experience, and the relationship between education and development. The aim of this paper is to highlight the importance of the cultural-historical approach in the pedagogical process carried out in graduate medical education, specifically in the Comprehensive General Medicine specialization. For this purpose, we conducted a theoretical and methodological systematization with important implications for a practice conceived with an emerging vision based on the invariant core of the cultural-historical approach that prevails over traditionalist practices and increases the multiple potentialities of the training of these professionals in our medical universities.REFERENCES
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