2016, Number 5
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Rev Fac Med UNAM 2016; 59 (5)
The psychological abuse of children in the family
Sauceda GJM, Maldonado DJM
Language: Spanish
References: 36
Page: 15-25
PDF size: 607.06 Kb.
It is still not unusual that the parents or caregivers of children
in many families use violent measures to control the behavior
of their offspring, even when these measures violate human
rights. The psychological abuse involves non-accidental
actions, either verbal or symbolic, by a parent or guardian
that in all likelihood may cause psychological harm to the
child. Other names for psychological abuse are: emotional
maltreatment, psychological maltreatment, emotional abuse
and verbal abuse. Its epidemiology has been difficult to determine
because of the lack of consensus on its definition
and because its impact on the mental health of the victims
has been underestimated.
However, the psychosocial consequences of psychological
abuse are as damaging, or even more harmful, that the consequences
of other types of abuse (such as physical, sexual
or neglect). It is important for physicians and other clinicians
to keep an eye on the occurrence of psychological abuse, to teach parents functional rearing technics and refer families
to psychological treatment if necessary.
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