2016, Number 3
Analysis of Internal Medicine syllabus
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 330-337
PDF size: 185.26 Kb.
Introduction: the critical analysis of lecture plans and syllabuses contributes to systematize the teaching practice, while it allows identifying the reserves to improve the curricular programs.Objective: to socialize the analysis performed by the author of Internal Medicine syllabus in medical studies.
Methods: the empirical method was applied to conduct a documentary review of Internal Medicine syllabus belonging to the third academic year of medicine studies. Logical thinking processes (analysis-synthesis and induction-deduction) were used.
Results: the syllabus analyzed is adapted in its objectives, contents and evaluation approaches to the model of medical professional to be trained, however it can be improved.
Conclusions: the current syllabus of Internal Medicine achieved a consistent and systematic practice of the topics of the subject, which increases the quality of the teaching process integrated to health system.
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