2016, Number 1
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Rev Cubana Med Gen Integr 2016; 32 (1)
Criteria for identifying primary care vulnerable patients
Riquelme-Heras H, Gómez-Gómez C, Gutiérrez-Herrera R, Martínez-Lazcano F, Sierra-Ayala I
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 18-27
PDF size: 92.35 Kb.
Objective: To establish the criteria for identifying primary care vulnerable patients
and determine the percentage of vulnerable patients in the first level consultation
according to the established criteria.
Methods: Descriptive, prospective study based on the visits to the family doctor’s
offices and the medical records of the Family Medicine Residency Program in the
outpatient consultation of the University Hospital, School of Medicine of Nuevo León
Autonomous University (Mexico). The target group was made up of the patients
who attended the Family Medicine outpatient consultation in a period of four
months en 2013. Common consultations were held and the record at the time of
the consultation was reviewed. The patients were classified according to the
established criteria: consultation diagnosis, previous diagnosis and consultations
Results: Medical assistance was provides to a sheer number of 460 patients in the
established period. These patients performed 746 visits to the office. The criteria of
“vulnerable patient” was appointed for 228 visits (30.5%), corresponding to 88
Conclusions: The vulnerable patients, according to the established criteria, are
those requiring comprehensive care with priority. Family doctors may provide
comprehensive care to the personal and familial problems of their patients and
especially to this vulnerable group.
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