2016, Number 2
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Revista Cubana de Cirugía 2016; 55 (2)
Nutritional support and quality of life in patients with esophageal cancer and cardias
Oliva ACA, Mederos CON, García SJC, Barrera OJC, Castellanos GJA
Language: Spanish
References: 39
Page: 97-105
PDF size: 107.61 Kb.
Introduction: esophageal cancer is a malignancy of the digestive tract with the
worst prognosis. Its treatment constitutes a challenge in the case of patients with
nutritional deterioration and inability to ingest food. Most of them are candidates for
palliative treatment.
Objective: to describe the experience regarding the nutritional care of patients
with esophageal cancer and cardias, with the introduction of the nutritional support
group at "Comandante Manuel Fajardo" University Hospital.
Method: 126 patients with esophageal cancer and cardia presented: 51 of them
with resectable lesions and who underwent esophagectomy, and 75 with advanced
cancer and palliative interventions, treated from 2006 to 2015, according to the
performance protocols of the nutritional support group.
Results: all patients were at age 46-76 years (69 % over 60 years), 87.3 % were
male, 90 % had a history of smoking and 80 % of alcohol. The predominant
location of the tumor was the third-lower esophagus and the cardia, followed by the
middle and upper thirds. They had mild malnutrition (4,1%), 53,9% had moderate
and 42 %, severe malnutrition. All of them showed decreased albumin and 57,9%
showed decreased functional capacity. All of them received dietary counseling and
oriented diet therapy. Survival after 14 months was increased in the palliative cases
and after 39 months in respective cases, compared with a previous period without
the presence of the nutritional support group.
Conclusions: nutritional assessment should be part of the clinical evaluation of
patients with esophageal cancer from the time of diagnosis and during illness, in
order to identify and correct nutritional deficit, maintain and preserve the weight,
thus improving response to cancer treatments, and increasing survival, which
improves quality of life.
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