2005, Number 3
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Rev Mex Neuroci 2005; 6 (3)
Etiopathogeny and psychopathology of infantile-young ethylic consumption
ASouza y Machorro M, Quintanilla BJ, Díaz BSL, Guisa CVM
Language: Spanish
References: 76
Page: 257-270
PDF size: 138.97 Kb.
It is an indisputable fact, along the human history, that the prevalence of the consumption of beverages is linked, erroneously, to the seeking for medicinal effects and religious celebrations, even “by pleasure” called “recreational”. The use, abuse and addiction to psychotropic and other addictive substances in Mexico have been and, actually, is a severe and growing problem of public health. Considering only the associated problems with the consumption of alcohol they affect between five and 10% of the world population, and in Mexico we have 32’315,760 people between 12 and 65 years old that are alcohol consumers. Among the urban adult population we have 13’581,107 men and 10’314,325 women that reportedly have consumed alcohol, as well as 543,197 males and 185,422 women more in the rural population, but the increase in alcoholic consumption among male adolescents was of 27% in 1998 to 35% in 2002 for males, and from 18% to 25% for female, according to the criteria of the Statistic and Diagnostic Manual of Mental Disorders. Since the point of view of the applied investigation, the majority of people knows that who has an immoderate form to drinking becomes “a hard-drinking problem”, that causes different consequences derived from no moderation, for that reason the psychotropic addict increases his regular consumption, undergoes frequent intoxications and, subsequently, suffer abstinence frames, until getting to the dependence or addiction to ethanol, a very career were known in clinics. But it is more important to emphasize the consequences that the consumption of alcohol and, with certain frequency, its simultaneous consumption with other drugs is associated with the presentation of different problems with police, fights, to drive in state of drunkenness, accidents, unintentional and imprudent homicide, different forms of suicide, and the multicited and unresolved problem of the young pregnancies, related to the consumption of substances that, even during their development, producing alterations of behavior not recognized clinically in their opportunity, and not treated.
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