2016, Number 1
Diagnosis of teaching-learning strategies in Clinical Propedeutics subject for medicine major
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 80-87
PDF size: 168.52 Kb.
Introduction: nowadays the need of a learner-centered instruction is recognized, which focuses on learning as a process of orientation where a favorable environment for students should be created through the implementation of strategies for them to interact independently. All this leads to the application of teaching strategies that foster an intentional learning, validated by suitable objectives and goals.Objective: to assess the use of teaching-learning strategies facilitating knowledge self-management of the medical students in Clinical Propedeutics subject at Pinar del Rio University of Medical Sciences.
Method: empirical and theoretical methods were used along with descriptive statistics procedures. The target group was comprised of professors teaching the subject and medical students who passed third academic year of medicine major (2012-2013), Clinical Propedeutics trainees. The sample included 14 experienced professors of intentionally chosen, and 180 students.
Results: professors have an adequate experience, but they show no-knowledge regarding teaching-learning strategies which can be passed on students, the methodological work aimed at guaranteeing an adequate training of the staff, in relation to the implementation of teaching-learning strategies as a way to provide students with cognitive independence is insufficient.
Conclusions: teaching-learning process of Clinical Propedeutics subject in medicine major at Pinar del Rio University of Medical Sciences, is conducted by professors who have insufficient methodological preparation in terms of teaching-learning strategies, as a result the development of self-education skills fails.
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