2016, Number 1
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Rev Ciencias Médicas 2016; 20 (1)
Problems recruiting patients with lung cancer and brain metastases in a clinical trial
Aguilera CN, del Cristo DIS, Muñoz MY, Macías AA, Amador GA
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 21-26
PDF size: 179.11 Kb.
Introduction: clinical trials are tools where individuals are chosen in view of predetermined eligibility criteria, they can constitute at the same time a useful strategy to enhance the quality of patients care, taking into account their potential of saving lives, knowledge the general population have about clinical trials is essential to recruit patients.
Objective: to assess the inclusion behaviour of patients with non-small cell lung cancer with brain metastases in a phase-II clinical trial designed by the National Coordinating Center of Clinical Trials and Molecular Immunology Center implemented in 4 provinces of the country to assess the safety and efficacy of Nimotuzumab monoclonal antibody (CIMAher
® or AcM hR3).
Methods: a descriptive and cross-sectional research was carried out during September 2006-August 2008.
Results: during this period 95 patients were evaluated, 30 of them were included in the trial.
Conclusions: the main cause of non-inclusion of patients was malaise, followed by the non-pathologic diagnosis for non-small-cell lung cancer and patients with a solitary metastasis.
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