2016, Number 2
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Cuba y Salud 2016; 11 (2)
Bumout syndrome in intern students of Medicine during their rotation year of Pediatrics. Children Hospital of Cerro
Acosta TJ, Balado SR, Sardiña AME, Consuegra OA
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 43-48
PDF size: 297.64 Kb.
Objective: Determine the presence of Burnout syndrome as a one-dimensional entity among medical students
during their intern year rotation in pediatrics.
Materials and Method: This transversal and descriptive study was conducted by applying the Barraza Macías
One-dimensional Student Burnout Scale to a sample of 230 interns at the Children Hospital of Cerro. Before
engaging in the study the students were provided with information on the presence and characteristics of
Burnout Syndrome and asked for their informed consent. Additionally they were also provided with information
on how Burnout Syndrome is linked to age and sex. Once all of the data was obtained they were stored in an
Excel format document and processed by the program XLTAT 9 with application of the percentage-based method
and X2 with a statistically significant result of ‹ 0,5.
Results: A 83,91% incidence of “light” Burnout Syndrome was observed, while 13,42% of participants reported
a “moderate” Burnout Syndrome, the former being predominantly female students, independent of age.
Conclusions: The majority of student interns rotating pediatrics are affected by “light” Burnout syndrome, of
those the majority are female, independent of any particular age.
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