2016, Number 3
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Aten Fam 2016; 23 (3)
Modification of Clinical Indicators in Patients with Pre-diabetes or Diabetes Mellitus type 2 through an Educational Program
Martínez-Castañeda D, Mota-Sanhua V, Olmos-Bringas M, Jácome-Mondragón JA, Moreno-Mendoza BR, Pérez-Rosas P, Rivas-Ayala L, Rojas-Jiménez JA
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 89-94
PDF size: 321.93 Kb.
Objective: to evaluate the effects of a
structured program of education in prediabetes
(pre-d) and
Diabetes Mellitus type
2 (dm2), given at the Primary Care level.
Methods: quasi-experimental study,
before-after, 98 patients of both sexes
without social security, 20 years old or
older, diagnosed with pre-d or dm2. Hemoglobin
glycosylated (HbA1c), body
weight and bmi were evaluated prior and
after the 12 educational sessions. The
Student-t test was used for dependent
Results: the pre-d group was
formed by 27 patients and the dm2 by
71 patients. After the educational program,
in patients with pre-d the HbA1c
decreased in 0.30% (p=0.073) and 1.05%
(p=0.000) in those with dm2; in the first
group there was a loss of body weight
of 870 g (p=0.010) and the second, 820
g (p = 0.016).
Conclusions: learning
about pre-d and dm2 can promote positive
changes in self-care and medical
treatment for the patient.
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