2015, Number 2
Abdominal evisceration due to a dog bite. About a case
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 43-46
PDF size: 338.07 Kb.
The abdominal evisceration is a frequent event in the open traumatisms, but it is unusual when being caused by animal bites, therefore, the suitable treatment represents a challenge for the surgeon. A case of abdominal eviscerationdue to a dog bite in a female patient who wasurgently operated on is presented.Loss of the abdominal wall to the level of the left side and the iliac fossa with protrusion ofthin ansasthrough this defect was confirmed.Alesion of the sigmoid colon higher than 80% of its circumference was foundwhen being operated on without furtherintra-abdominal lesions. Hartman colostomy, lavage and cavity drainage were performed. The patient's evolution was satisfactory, with no difficulty at discharge, keeping a systematic follow up in external consultation.REFERENCES
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