2015, Number 2
Validation of three teaching software for the subject Medical Psychology I
Language: Spanish
References: 8
Page: 31-37
PDF size: 500.47 Kb.
Objectives: To validate three teaching soft ware for teaching and learning of Medical Psychology I subject on second year students of the medical career.Method: A questionnaire for validation of teaching software to a sample of independent groups of second year students was applied intentionally. The availability and capacity of Informatics laboratories, some students’ difficulties on their assessments and informed consent to participate in this work were taken into consideration. For topic I of the subject the sample was of 272 students and in topics II and III participated 205 and 286 students, respectively. They attended the laboratories in their regular class schedules for Medical Psychology I. They received the instructions for using the software and worked during the class session. Ten minutes before conclude the class session, the questionnaire for validation was applied.
Results: Type one responses were predominant, in favor of validity. Values of 77.9%, 75.9% and 87.1% were achieved respectively in the teaching software of the three topics applied.
Conclusions: The activity performed allows greater student interactivity and updating of teaching aids for the subject of Medical Psychology I.
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