2015, Number 1
Predictive factors of mortality associated with alterations of the internal medio in the intestinal mechanical occlusion
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 10-17
PDF size: 631.04 Kb.
Objetive: To design a predictive model of mortality based on alterations of the internal medio in patients assisted at “Saturnino Lora” Provincial Hospital of Santiago de Cuba.Method: A descriptive, analytical study of cohort was conducted in the Service of General Surgery of “Saturnino Lora” Hospital in Santiago de Cuba, from January 2011 to December 2013. A sample of 191 patients (165 discharged alive and 26 deceased). The identification of the predictive factors of mortality was performed through the construction of a model of multivariable logistic regression.
Results: Male patients predominated, and there was a higher tendency to death in those above 60 years (p=0,000). The main cause associated with mortality was the existence of tumors (p=0,000). The start of the symptoms was more extended in the deceased cases, associated, above all, with the presence of alterations of the internal medio. The design of the predictive model was structured through postoperatory dehydration, postoperatory shock, postoperatory metabolic acidosis, and mixed alterations of acid-base balance postoperatories. Sensitivity of 84,6 and specification of 97,6, with a predictive positive value of 84,5 and a predictiv e negative value of 97,7 was calculated.
Conclusions: The presence of the internal medio alterations disguises the course and prognosis of patients with intestinal mechanical occlusion. The design of a predictive model of mortality in the variables associated with the alterations of the internal medio was possible.
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