2016, Number 3
Evolution of endodontic treatment and factors associated with therapy failure
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 202-208
PDF size: 125.38 Kb.
Introduction: problems derived from retreatments are still estimated in endodontic treatment, based mainly on anatomical variations and other conditions that complicate therapy.Objective: to characterize the evolution of endodontic treatment according to associated factors in the dental services of Santa Clara municipality.
Methods: a descriptive, prospective longitudinal study was carried out from February, 2013 to March, 2014; interview and questionnaire methods, clinical and radiographic exams were used.
Results: therapeutic evolution was evaluated six months after finishing the treatment and it resulted unfavorable in the 29.3% of patients. Esthetic and function recovery was not evidenced in the majority of patients in relation to clinical aspects associated with unfavorable evolution, and 18.3% of individuals had presence of fistula.
Conclusions: root curvature, previous root canal access with complications, visibility factor and root canal size were among the factors that affected the result of therapy in relation to factors associated with unfavorable evolution of endodontic therapy, and thus the most relevant ones taking into account patient diagnosis.
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