2016, Number 3
Effectiveness of borax and 25% aloe cream in treating subprosthesis stomatitis
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 193-201
PDF size: 129.28 Kb.
Objective: to evaluate comparatively the effectiveness of borax and 25% Aloe cream as alternative treatments for subprosthesis stomatitis.Methods: an analytical and group comparison study was carried out at "Victoria de Santa Clara" Specialty Teaching Dental Clinic in Santa Clara municipality from September, 2013 to September, 2014. The sample was constituted by 87 patients diagnosed with this affection, including both genders and aged 31 to 70 years. Two groups were constituted: group 1(45 patients), treated with borax therapy and conventional therapy (retrieval of dental prosthesis, exhaustive oral hygiene and mouthwashes with cold water three times a day), and group 2 (42 patients), treated with 25 % Aloe cream and also conventional therapy. Clinical evolution was evaluated on the fourth, seventh, tenth and fourteenth days of treatment.
Results: female gender, aged 51-60 years prevailed; II grade predominated in a 77,1%. The 100% of patients treated with borax healed before the tenth day, and those treated with 25% aloe cream healed in fourteen days.
Conclusions: both therapies are effective as possible treatments for this disease; however, it took less time to achieve a complete remission of the lesion using borax rather than 25% Aloe cream.
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