2016, Number 23
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INFODIR 2016; 12 (23)
Improvement of comprehensive leadership of health managers and their substitutes in the Faculty of Nursing
Casin SY, Cebreco AME, Cordoví HVD, Royuela RC
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 36-45
PDF size: 270.25 Kb.
The advance of the Cuban Public Health System, from the very beginning, has the priority
of the training and continuous education of the human resources, a vital factor in the
development of the system, and obviously including the preparation of those leading all
management and control processes. That is why, some irregularities that affect the
management became evident in the Faculty of Nursing when the diagnosis was applied to
health managers and their substitutes. The study was focused on achieving the
comprehensive training of health managers and their substitutes. Groups of actions were
taken in order to improve management actions devoted to achieve the expected
transformations for the implementation of the guidelines of the 6th Congress of the Cuban
Communist Party. A descriptive investigation was performed to analyze and propose a
plan of actions for health managers and their substitutes in the leading of the health
system, from May 2013 to March 2014. The universe was composed of 49 health
managers and their substitutes in the Faculty of Nursing. The system of actions applied
favored the organizational improvement, as from the three evaluated indicators: teamwork
and communication, leadership, and juridical preparation, getting good results in the
organizational structure of the faculty.
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