2016, Number 23
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INFODIR 2016; 12 (23)
Information management and knowledge. Tools for Cuban Public Health development
Vidal LMJ, Pujal VNI, Castañeda AI, Bayarre VH
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 3-12
PDF size: 539.65 Kb.
Introduction: There are several models of information management and knowledge,
but what is important is the synergy between data and processed information by
information technologies and creative, innovative capacity of human resources
according to the mission and organizational structure.
Objective: To conduct a first approach on the current situation of information
management and knowledge according to its structure, human capital and National
Health System (NHS)-associated technological processes as a tool for Cuban public
health development.
Methods: A BIG6 model-based bibliographical review was conducted; empirical
methods were applied through interviews, consultation to experts and focal groups
allowing finding the subject in the NHS context.
Outcomes: There are difficulties at MINSAP and NHS existing information structure
which impede flexibility and dynamism needed for the flow and efficient exchange of
information. There is not human resources preparedness strategy for information
management and knowledge. Informatization general program is not effective. It
should be recovered and updated with services and application including Health
Informatization System.
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