2016, Number 2
Use of Intensive Care Resource in
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 250-265
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Introduction: in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), patients have a health condition that endangers their life that is why the patients require a constant monitoring of vital signs and other parameters.Objective: to evaluate the characteristics of hospitalized patients and the care provided in the ICU of the "Vladimir Ilich Lenin" University Hospital.
Method: a case-control study was conducted in two stages from March to July 2001 (controls) n=132 vs the same period in 2012 (cases) n=183. The level of correspondence between the needs of management of patients admitted and the level of vigilance and care provided to them was evaluated.
Results: the value of APACHE II in 2001 and 2012 showed statistical differences (p: 0.15019; p=0.001). The average age of those admitted patients was 2001: 54.15 years (± 20.53); 2012: 61.96 years (± 19.55). Females predominated. The most frequent causes of admission were sepsis, trauma and respiratory failure. In 2012, cerebrovascular diseases increased. The use of diagnosis tools increased in 2012 over 2001 (ᵪ2: 21.5, p = 0.001) and the availability of monitoring equipment was reduced in 40% of patients.
Conclusions: patients admitted in 2012 were in more severe state than those of the same period of 2001, with two more admissions due to cerebrovascular accidents. No change was observed in the availability of nursing care, and the use and availability of diagnosis tools, support and drug treatment increased.
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