2016, Number 2
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Rev Mex Patol Clin Med Lab 2016; 63 (2)
A case report of a woman with Fournier’s gangrene and morbid obesity
Romero CR, Gracida MN, Romero FR, Romero FR
Language: English
References: 23
Page: 82-86
PDF size: 297.64 Kb.
Fournier’s gangrene is a necrotizing fasciitis of the male and female perineum and genitalia, of pathogen etiology and rapid evolution, which can affect the abdominal wall and thighs, usually with complications and high mortality. A case of a 51-year-old female patient with multiple diseases is presented. Ten days prior to consultation, she developed fever, malaise, increased volume and pain of the crural area and external genitalia, erythema, necrotic area and crepitus, as well as a bloody and very foul-smelling ulcer secreting pus.
Escherichia coli and
Bacteroides fragilis were isolated. Metabolic control was applied, with antimicrobial therapy, surgery, dressings and a vacuum-assisted closure system, which lead to resolving the Fournier’s gangrene and controlling the comorbidities.
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