2016, Number 3
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Salud Mental 2016; 39 (3)
Síntomas somáticos en preadolescentes de 10 a 12 años con sobrepeso u obesidad
Sanz I, Orgilés M, Espada JP
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 149-155
PDF size: 190.58 Kb.
Numerous studies have linked obesity and overweight with physical,
psychological and social symptoms, but few of them have examined
the presence of somatic symptoms in children or adolescents with obesity
or overweight.
To examine somatic symptoms in preadolescents from 10 to 12 years
old depending on their weight category (normal weight and overweight/
obesity), as well as other variables related to the disease
(times that preadolescents had been sick, had gone to the doctor or
had been absent to class for having a disease in the last month, and
existence of diseases in the members of their family).
A cross-sectional study was carried out with 668 pre-adolescents;
301 of them showed normal weight and 367 showed overweight or
obesity. They completed the Children’s Somatization Inventory that
examines gastrointestinal symptoms, pseudoneurological symptoms,
and pain. A multivariate analysis of the variance was performed to
analyse the data.
No significant differences in gastrointestinal symptoms, pseudoneurological
symptoms and pain in function of the weight category were
found. Differences were only significant in function of gender, showing
girls more gastrointestinal symptoms than boys (
F [1,666] = 8.71;
p = .003). When examining each somatic symptom, differences were
found depending on the weight category, showing participants with
overweight or obesity more fatigue (χ
2 = 5.35;
p ‹ .05), breathing
problems (χ
2 = 7.51;
p ‹ .01), seizures (χ
2 = 4.12;
p ‹ .05), and poor
digestion (χ
2 = 4.89;
p ‹ .05). The percentage of participants with
overweight or obesity who had a sick relative was higher comparing
to those with normal weight (χ
2 = 2.47;
p ‹ .01).
Discussion and conclusion
Overall, the results highlight the importance of examining physical
and psychological symptoms in pre-adolescents with overweight or
obesity to develop a successful intervention focused not only on the
weight reduction but also in the improvement of their quality of life.
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