2016, Number 3
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Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas 2016; 15 (3)
Role of the nurse in the evaluation, assessment and intervention of the pain in children
Rodríguez HI, Fajardo VA, Peña JM
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 399-407
PDF size: 85.34 Kb.
Introduction: The evaluation and the treatment of the pain is an essential part of
the pediatric practice, that has been poorly treated due to in this stage of life the
patient is unable to communicate clearly his painful experience and it is one of the
more frequent health problems for the nursing staff in the different areas of work.
Objective: to describe the role of the nurse in the evaluation, assessment and
intervention of the pain in children.
Development: Relief of pain and suffering is considered one of the principal rights of
the patient, and one of the mail responsibilities of professional nursing practice. Each
child is a historical, psychological and sociocultural whole, this makes every human
being confers on it a word that helps describe the experience that identifies your pain
or suffering and physical pain in one or more body parts describe it as an unpleasant
feeling and, therefore, an emotional experience that changes your mood. The
assessment and treatment of pain require nursing staff builds trust with the person
experiencing pain.
Conclusions: Nursing care in pediatric patients with pain is aimed at avoiding pain
and soothe it with adequate measures to painful stimulus intensity should be part of
the objectives of quality of nursing care.
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