2016, Number 2
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Rev Mex Neuroci 2016; 17 (2)
Effect of neurocognitive rehabilitation in patients with sequelae of head traumaand neuropsychological characterization
Bonilla SJ, González HA, Vargas E, Ríos ÁM, Bonilla G
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 21-30
PDF size: 153.99 Kb.
Introduction: Neurocognitive rehabilitation
is a process that seeks for an improvement in the
deficit of neurocognitive abilities, after a traumatic
brain injury has occurred (TBI), from an integrated,
holistic and biopsychosocial perspective, with
the approach of multidisciplinary programs that
converge in the physical, cognitive, emotional,
behavioral, social and vocational aspects of the
Objective: To evaluate the effect of
neurocognitive rehabilitation in the processes of
attention, memory and executive function through
the implementation of the rehabilitation program
“RECOVIDA” in patients with traumatic brain
Methods: This is a pretest–posttest and quasiexperimental
controlled trial. The Neuropsi battery
of attention and memory and the Adaptability
Inventory of Mayo- Portland were used as a
pretest-posttest measuring instrument, and as a
intervention variable the neurocognitive program
Results: The signed rank test of Wilcoxon for
related samples showed better performance in
the study group on the dependent variables, as
compared with controls. This result was reflected in
the decrease of the limitations in physical, cognitive
and behavioral adaptability of the patients.
Conclusions: In the neurocognitive
rehabilitation process of people with traumatic
brain injury, the cognition is improved, especially
the atentional process despite of the phase of
spontaneous recovery .
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