2004, Number 2
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Rev Mex Anest 2004; 27 (2)
Anesthesia in alcoholic patients
Rivera-Flores J, Chavira-Romero M
Language: Spanish
References: 122
Page: 97-106
PDF size: 96.32 Kb.
Ethanol is one of the most widely used psychoactive drugs since ancient times. It leads to an increase in the morbidity and mortality in patients undergoing elective as well as emergency surgical procedures. This is due to a number of disturbances in the various organs and systems caused by acute intoxication, as well as by chronic alcohol consumption or by withdrawal syndrome. Alcohol intake is also often related to trauma, in which many patients need to undergo emergency anesthetic procedures. In both types of alcoholic intoxication (acute and chronic), the pharmacology of anesthetic drugs is altered, mainly due to changes in the metabolism of drugs themselves. It has been stated that, in acute cases, doses must be decreased up to 50%. On the other hand, in chronic alcoholism, due to enzymatic induction of cytochrome P450, doses must be increased, and larger amounts of active and toxic metabolites are produced. Furthermore, withdrawal syndrome must be prevented and treated, since it is also related to a higher morbidity and mortality in alcoholic patients.
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