2016, Number 3
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Rev Cub Med Int Emerg 2016; 15 (3)
Clinic-analytic behavior of patients with acute kidney injury in an adult intensive care unit, Cienfuegos, 2014
Morón RM, Navarro MVR, Vázquez CJL
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 55-69
PDF size: 446.00 Kb.
Introduction: acute kidney injury (AKI) is a common disease and a health problem in intensive care units (ICU).
Objectives: to describe the clinical and analytic characteristics of patients with AKI admitted to the ICU of the General Hospital of Cienfuegos during 2014.
Methods: a prospective case series trial was conducted including all adult patients admitted with AKI and those who developed it during their stay in the ICU. Diagnosis was based on the AKIN criteria. A questionnaire was designed for each patient to collect clinical and laboratory data during the course of the disease.
Results: forty-four cases (incidence of 7.6 per 100 patients hospitalized) admitted to the ICU mainly due to clinical diseases (54.5%) and pre-renal causes (45.5%) were diagnosed. The mean age was 53.34 years. Sixty-five point nine percent were classified into the stage I of the AKIN criteria in the first diagnostic evaluation. Metabolic acidosis and hypernatremia were the most common laboratory findings. There was a direct relationship among the earliest stage of acute kidney injury found at diagnosis, improvement of renal function and patient survival. Fifty-six point seven percent did not need dialysis.
Conclusions: acute kidney injury occurs as a complication of clinical conditions before ICU admission and early stages of the AKIN classification predominate during the first days. There are electrolytic and acid-base imbalances in the course of this disease. There is an inverse relationship among the worst course of the disease, case fatality and stage I of the AKIN classification.
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