2016, Number 1
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Revista Cubana de Informática Médica 2016; 8 (1)
Evaluation rubric in the postgraduate teaching
Garriga SEP
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 144-151
PDF size: 110.28 Kb.
Introduction. In the learning teaching process the evaluation is a fundamental point, and the use of rubrics for them is every day more common, as in tasks, examinations or products, between others. The objective of this paper is to explain what it is an evaluation rubric and to show the convenience of adopt it as another method when you are going to evaluate a work or an examination in the postgraduate teaching.
Development. It has been defined what are the evaluation rubrics, their vintages and challenges and so the types. It is indicated the convenience of their use in postgraduate teaching and there are showing examples with elaborated rubrics for their use in a postgraduate course in Descriptive Statistics.
Conclusions. In the way that the rubrics or valuation matrixes are define and showing their characteristics, they constitute a good option in the evaluation of postgraduate courses, as for the students or the professor, by the feedback they produce to both.
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