2016, Number 1
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Revista Cubana de Informática Médica 2016; 8 (1)
System for the analysis of cognitive behavior in the elderly. Case study: Pinar del río, Cuba
Fernández GA, Gómez SM, Córdova VV
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 97-108
PDF size: 198.47 Kb.
The number of old persons increased in 700 millions in the 90's at world level. This number will increase to nearly 2 thousand more million in 2025. The carefulness of their healthy becomes an important issue for all societies; that is why, in this research, it is presented a computational tool to measure the assistance and the perception in the daily environment of the elderly people. Both functions have a close relationship with the psychological capacity of the memory; moreover, it is considered that their damage can provoke loss of skills, dependence and disabilities, once the cognitive deterioration has begun. The proposal is applied in the pinar del río, cuba, through experimental tests and different types of analysis by means of computational in a sample of elderly people with a moderately reasonable capacity.
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