2016, Number 1
Central statistics for registration of donor (RCD)
Language: Spanish
References: 5
Page: 87-96
PDF size: 230.96 Kb.
Cuba faces the challenge of computerizing the National System of Health (SNS). In the year 2004 the Net of Banks of Blood of the country was developed being implemented in the whole country the module: Galen Bank of Blood and the access to the Centralized Registration of Donors (RCD). Being Able to cover the functionalities of all the work positions and the automatic interface with the Suma team , and being modernized daily with the information that is generated in each Bank of blood, through a tool, the replication component.. Today it was up dated RCD in a new version on the platform of the System of Information for the Health (SiSalud). Platform created for the integration of the data generated in the different levels of attention to the patient, optimizing the offered assistance quality, facilitating the functions of the workers of the health, and collaborating with the administrative, assistance, educational activity and of investigation. Free software and uses a service-oriented architecture. In the new version, the statistical information is in implementing status and generated through the up to dating of the RCD for the World Organization of Health. In the present work after an introduction to the problem, are explained the requirements of these Reports, with data of statistical interest so much at international level as national, provincial and municipal, as well as their characteristics.REFERENCES
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