2016, Number 06
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MediSan 2016; 20 (06)
Ozone therapy and magnetotherapy in patients with herniated disk
Herrera SMB, Valenzuela FL, Álvarez CJT
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 826-832
PDF size: 52.47 Kb.
A therapeutic intervention study was carried out in 20 patients aged 40 to 59 with
herniated disk, assisted in the Rehabilitation Service of "Ramón López Peña" Teaching
Polyclinic in Santiago de Cuba, from August, 2013 to January, 2014, aimed at
evaluating the effectiveness of ozone therapy and magnetotherapy. Scales were
applied for the pain, muscular force, articular degree and functional skills. The male
sex (60.0%), the 40-49 age group (45.0%), the lumbar region as anatomical
localization (55.0%), the lumbar effort (35.0%) and the spondyloarthrosis (30.0%)
prevailed as most common personal pathological history. When concluding the
treatment there was improvement in 85.0% of those affected, which demonstrated
that the combination of both therapies was effective to elevate their physical and
functional skills.
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