2016, Number 1
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Rev Mex Neuroci 2016; 17 (1)
Validity of a Self-report scale of ADHD symptoms based on the DSM -V diagnostic criteria (IES-TDAH)
Barceló-Martínez E, León-Jacobus A, Cortes-Peña O, Valle-Córdoba S, Flórez-Niño Y
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 12-22
PDF size: 241.86 Kb.
Introduction: The attention deficit hyperactivity
disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common
neurodevelopmental disorders in childhood and
adolescence. Its symptoms are manifested in
cognitive and behavioral areas, with important
functional consequences. In adults, it has a high
prevalence ranging from 5 to 20%. The diagnosis
is based on identifying symptoms of inattention,
hyperactivity-impulsivity entered in the manual
classification of mental disorders (DSM and ICD).
Objective: To validate the scale IES- TDAH from
the analysis of the levels of internal consistency
and correlation levels with scales Gold Standard:
Wender- Utah Rating Scale - WURS; Adult ADHD
Self-Report Scale (ASRS-V1.1) and ICD-10 criteria.
Methods: This research is generated from the
design of an exploratory inventory of ADHD
symptoms (IES-ADHD) from the theoretical
construct about the disorder and the DSM-V.
Followed design and validation content by judges, it
was obtained a preliminary version applied to a pilot
sample of 120 young people (60 men and 60 women)
pertaining to institutions of higher education in the
city of Barranquilla and whose ages ranged between
18 and 23 years.
Results: Satisfactory results were obtained
by finding a high level of reliability (Cronbach’s
alpha = 0.914) and also the criterion validity was
obtained by analyzing the behavior of IES over
other tests ADHD gold standard that showed high
levels of correlation with the Wender-Utah Rating
Scale (WURS) (r = 0.88), with ICD-10 criteria (r =
0.89), and with the Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale
(ASRS-V1.1) (r = 0.898).
Conclusions: We considered that the IES-ADHD
constitutes an instrument that provides reliable
data in the approach to the clinical diagnosis of
ADHD in adults.
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