2015, Number 6
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Rev Ciencias Médicas 2015; 19 (6)
Ischemic stroke in 50 years and older hospitalized patients
Díaz AH, Sparis TM, Carbó RHL, Díaz OB
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 1063-1074
PDF size: 1507.02 Kb.
Introduction: cerebrovascular disease is one of the major causes of morbidity and
mortality worldwide. There are geographical differences in its incidence, prevalence
and mortality rates, which have been attributed to the variability in risk factors.
Objective: to characterize acute ischemic stroke in patients 50 years and older
admitted to the stroke unit clinically.
Material and Methods: a longitudinal, ambispective, descriptive study was
conducted at "Dr. Leon Cuervo Rubio" Provincial Teaching Surgical Hospital in Pinar
del Río during June 2012 to May 2013 to carry out a clinical characterization of the
ischemic stroke, the variables recorded were: age, sex, race, risk factors,
educational level and most frequent complications; as well as endothelial variability
indicators and degree of neurological impairment. The statistical methods of χ
comparison test, percentage method and calculation of the mean were applied. The
universe consisted of a total of 408 patients hospitalized in the Stroke Care Unit
taking the period under study, using a sample of 133 patients with events of clinical
Result: it shows that the most common risk factors in ischemic stroke are
hypertension and diabetes mellitus, tracheobronchitis was the most common
complication. Endothelial indicators were positive in more than 50% and
neurological disorders in most of them, which is classified as not serious, being
partial anterior circulation infarction the most common injury.
Conclusions: the most representative sample corresponded to male sex and black
race, hypertension was the risk factor having the highest incidence, and as
complications the respiratory causes.
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