2015, Number 6
Clinical and epidemiological characterization of preterm infants with early-onset infection
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 1014-1027
PDF size: 645.35 Kb.
Introduction: early neonatal infections are defined as the ones occurring within the first 72 hours of life.Objective: to characterize preterm infants with early-onset infection clinically and epidemiologically.
Materials and methods: an observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, at Abel Santamaría Cuadrado General Teaching Hospital in Pinar del Rio, during January 2013 to November 2014. The universe included 662 preterm infants. The sample consisted of 66 infants diagnosed with early-onset infection considering the inclusion criteria. Variables such as weight, gender, gestational age, maternal and perinatal factors, presentation, germs and survival rate were considered. Percentage, mean and standard deviation method was used.
Results: infants weighting less than 1500 grams predominated (62.1%), female sex (56.1%) and the appropriate standards for gestational age (59.1%). Regarding maternal and perinatal variables, the vaginal infection prevailed 43.9%, premature rupture of membranes showed more than 18 hours (21.2%) and spontaneous labor (71.2%). Prophylaxis for group-B of streptococcus was performed in 65.2% mothers; 68.2% of the infants were born by cesarean sections. Bloodstream infection was the most frequent way of presentation (54.5%) and E. coli germ predominated (18.2%). Survival rate was 95.5%.
Conclusions: early-onset sepsis is a frequent morbidity factor in preterm infants; it constitutes a major health problem; however the survival rates were high.
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