2015, Number 6
Couple relationships in medical students
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 1006-1013
PDF size: 352.84 Kb.
Introduction: the couple, called to build the family, is often an object of study to relate the cycle of life and its function, assessment of its profits and the benefits it provides in the prevention of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, as a guarantee of safe sex and stating that living in couple becomes more common in everyday life.Objective: to determine the influence of couple relationships and contacts among young medical students to determine the beginning of the relationships, reliability and existence of love justifying its existence.
Material and methods: students were surveyed in successive rotations of Psychiatry comprising a total of 256 students, both sexes and from 5th academic year of medical studies, Pinar del Rio University of Medical Sciences, they expressed their consent to participate in the study during the academic courses 2011-2013.
Results: 92.2% admitted having love couple, determining that they select it as a result of the interpersonal relationships that are established during the medical major or in the student’s residence (62.9), predominantly male. The rate is 12.5% in festive, social not-festive environments (11.1%), not frequent found in other activities.
Conclusions: José Martí thinking is confirmed, finding young couples of medical students in a fertile ground for a relationship inspired by love and strengthened by the coincidence of interests and professions.
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