2016, Number 2
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Gac Med Mex 2016; 152 (2)
Indicators of obsolescence of the medical literature in a mexican pediatric journal
Sotelo-Cruz N, Atrián-Salazar ML, Trujillo-López S
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 202-207
PDF size: 78.66 Kb.
Introduction: Obsolescence is the decrease of the validity of the information in time and is known as literature aging.
To analyze the obsolescence of the literature of original articles published in 10 years in a Mexican pediatric journal.
and Methods: Articles published in the Clinical Bulletin of Sonora Children’s Hospital (BCHIES) were analyzed. The variables
were: year, volume, number, percentage of original articles, reference year, total of references per article, operational and file; articles
citations and self-citations, Price Indices, Burton-Kebler and Brookes, half-life, and aging factor.
Results: The 87 original articles
(37%) contained 1,726 references, and the average was 19.8 per article; operational references were 398 (23%) and the file
references, 1,287 (74.5%). There were 30 (34.4%) citations to articles, and self-citations were 19 (21%), half-life, 13.2 years; the
aging factor was 0.86, the annual loss of income was 14%.
Conclusions: The percentage of original articles from the BCHIES
is close to 40%, likely to improve, and in the literature archive, the aging factor reversed.
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