2016, Number 2
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Med Int Mex 2016; 32 (2)
Historical and bioethical considerations about vaccines against rabies and smallpox
Carrillo-Esper R, Moncada-Sánchez A, Domínguez-Sandoval Z, Meyer-Talón M, Díaz-Mendoza A,Uribe-Montoya E, Ravelero-Rodríguez H
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 232-243
PDF size: 583.87 Kb.
The history of vaccines begins with the long history of infectious disease
in humans, in particular, with early uses of smallpox material to provide
immunity to that disease. Smallpox and rabies are examples of the
historic evolution of vaccination. In its historical, social, and medical
context they revolutionized medicine and public health. Distinguished
personages such as Francisco Xavier Balmis, Miguel Otero y Arce, Edward Jenner, Lady Mary Wortley and Louis Pasteur are pioneers in
the field of vaccination. The methods used by these researches in developing
these vaccines, which in their time were valid, would not be
meet with current regulations and the principles of bioethics research
in humans. But we must consider the time in which they lived and the
scientific, technological and communication constrains under which
they worked. Thanks to their genius and perseverance they developed
and implemented one of the best tools of public health, vaccines and
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