2016, Number 1
The informational competitions of librarians of the Medical Sciences for the selective dissemination of the information. Sancti Spiritus
Language: Spanish
References: 10
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Background: The consultation and reference is a service that is lent in the libraries and the selective dissemination of the information that takes charge of maintaining is inside its kindness up-to-date to the professionals of the Medical Sciences that gives the references of the documents that correspond with its cognitive interests periodically. Objective: To diagnose the informational competitions that the librarians of the medical sciences for the selective dissemination of the information in the county of Sancti Spíritus. Methodology: It was carried out a traverse investigation in the period from January to November, 2014 in the net of medical libraries; with a sample composed by 57 librarians, it was chosen by means of a stratified sampling. Information was picked up about the professional profile of the librarians, the implementation of the service of selective dissemination of the information and the utility of it, besides that relative to the documents used by these professionals to send the information, as well as on the used bibliographical databases and means that were used to obtain the data of the card user control and bibliographical databases. The data were processed by means of the professional statistical package SPSS (version 15.0.1, SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USES). Results: Lacks of informational competitions were observed, fundamentally, technical and methodological, to develop the service of selective dissemination of the information, for what is insufficient when looking for and to evaluate the information that is given to the users of the service not in quantity but in quality. Conclusions: Librarians of the Medical Sciences of the county of Sancti Spíritus doesn't have enough informational competitions to offer the service of selective dissemination of the information and they refer the necessity of overcoming courses.REFERENCES
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