2005, Number 1
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salud publica mex 2005; 47 (1)
Prehospital emergency care in Mexico City: The opportunities of the healthcare system
Pinet LM
Language: Spanish
References: 40
Page: 64-71
PDF size: 91.42 Kb.
Unintentional vehicle traffic injuries cause 1.2 million preventable
deaths per year worldwide, mostly affecting the
population in their productive years of life. In Mexico, unintentional
vehicle traffic injuries are one of the main causes
of death; in Mexico City they account for 8% of deaths.
Prehospital systems are set up to provide hospital medical
care to the population, by means of a complex network
that includes transportation, communications, resources
(material, financial and human), and public participation. These
systems may be designed in a variety of ways, depending on
availability, capacity and quality of resources, according to
specific community needs, always abiding by laws and regulations.
In Mexico, several institutions and organizations offer
prehospital services without being overseen in terms of
coordination, regulation and performance evaluation, despite
the high rates of morbidity and mortality due to injuries
and preventable conditions amenable to effective therapy
during the prehospital period. Prehospital care may contribute
to decrease the morbidity and mortality rates of
injuries requiring prompt medical care. Emphasis is made
on the importance of assessing the performance of prehospital
care, as well as on identification of needs for future
development. The English version of this paper is available
at: http://www.insp.mx/salud/47/eng
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