2016, Number 1
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Revista del Hospital Psiquiátrico de La Habana 2016; 13 (1)
Conductive pathways to addiction and exchange with the family environment in alcoholic adolescents
Copello AO, Romero HMK, Viera BÁW, Tawe GC, Hernández RCV, Aguilar ARJ, Crespo FM
Language: Spanish
References: 14
PDF size: 150.02 Kb.
Introduction: As a stage of adolescence biological, psychological and social transformation is susceptible to self-destruct behaviors such as alcohol and drugs in general. In this paper the relationship between age and addiction conductive pathways described, family problems generated by the same family coping and tactics used.
Methods: 250 patients diagnosed with alcoholism were studied, belonging to the office of Falcon, Venezuela. The variables used were: age, conductive pathways, education and marital status of parents, family functioning, family problems and coping tactics adopted by the family. Statisticians were, frequency distributions with percentages and
chi-square test.
Results: The predominant age was years 17-20 (82%). The most common route of driving was the sociocultural (51%). Patients consider their functional family in 71% and 76% of family, dysfunctional. Family problems was the most important street fights (88%) and family coping tactics: get upset (61%). Schooling parents: parents at the secondary level was more frequent (48.4%) and mothers the primary (41.2%). Marital status States prevailed with 65.2%.
Conclusions: There is dependence between the conduction pathways and patient age. Family functioning has an inverse trend in assessing patients and families. Family problems and family coping tactics, as well as the primary school level and secondary mothers in parents, were manifestations of low and few family resources. United marital status of the parents, the vast majority is contradicted by other studies.
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