2016, Number 1
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Revista del Hospital Psiquiátrico de La Habana 2016; 13 (1)
Conspiracy of silence families of cancer patients in terminal stage
Guilarte MXC, Garcia-Viniegras CRV, González BBL
Language: Spanish
References: 17
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Problem and Objective: This research was oriented in function to output the problem: What features does the phenomenon of conspiracy of silence in the families of terminal cancer patients, where their presence is identified?, for it was raised as an objective describe the phenomenon of conspiracy of silence (CS).
Methods: A qualitative and quantitative research was conducted in the area of Policlinico Marcio Manduley of Centro Habana, in the period from January to March 2014.
Results: It was found that 100% of the cases presented a maladaptive CS, with implicit knowledge of the patient in 100% of cases. Among the aspects of family dynamics associated with the CS, identified: lack of adaptive resources in 80% and inadequate adaptive resources at 20%. The event was experienced as damage and threat to 100%. In the entire sample inadequate communication, coping and hindering a tense and negative family environment was found. Uncooperative family beliefs about cancer and CS occurred in all families.
Conclusions: Most cancer patients studied them has been completely hidden his diagnosis and prognosis, when they really expressed the need to know; implicitly patients know about their health situation. In families where there is evidence the phenomenon one is identified hindering coping; there is an assessment of the event as stressful injury and threat; Uncooperative family beliefs are generally identified; family atmosphere tense, disharmonious and negative affectivity and emotions Uncooperative.
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