2015, Number 3
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Rev Mex Enf Cardiol 2015; 23 (3)
Nursing care to an adult with congenital heart disease based on the model of adaptation from Callista Roy
Nava-Portillo DC, Olvera-Arreola SS, Cadena-Estrada JC
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 118-124
PDF size: 211.35 Kb.
Introduction: it is vitally important to promote the adaptation in people with congenital heart disease with the purpose of counteract the deterioration of the quality of life.
Objective: apply the nursing care process to an adult with congenital heart disease based on the model of adaptation from Callista Roy.
Material and methods: case study with qualitative approach, under guidelines of the nursing care prcess and model of Callista Roy, applied to people with complex congenital heart disease, who was readmitted for thrombosis in the jugular vein and superior vena cava to a highly specialized institution. The data was obtained through semi-structured interviews, analyzed in its content for the construction of categories, enriched with physical examination and clinical records. Formulation of diagnosis based in NANDA International (NANDA-I). Goals have been raised according to the Nursing Outcomes Classification; and Nursing Interventions Classification.
Results: in self-concept and role performance, ineffective adaptive behaviors were identified with the labels of: fear, body image disorder and willingness to face the disease. In the evaluation of interventions was observed that the person decreased the fear by assimilating the need for invasive procedures as well as lack of physical manifestations of anxiety and improving his self-esteem.
Conclusions: the model of adaptation from Callista Roy found to be useful and applicable in nursing practice because it allows to provide holistic care that modifies the ineffective responses of facing the environmental stimuli for the adaptation.
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