2016, Number 2
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Rev Cuba Endoc 2016; 27 (2)
Standards for residential weeks for diabetic children and adolescents in Cuba
Vera GM, Álvarez PMC, Argote PJ, García SJ, González PK, González CTM, Mendoza TM, Espinosa RT, Pérez SLA, Marichal MS
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 197-210
PDF size: 160. Kb.
Introduction: The residential weeks for children and adolescents with type 1
diabetes mellitus emerge in Cuba in 1993 as an alternative for education on
diabetes; since then, they are held in most provinces.
Objective: To standardize the organization and holding of the residential weeks for
children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus.
Development: During a week, the patients and their relatives (separately) are
trained in the comprehensive management of type 1 diabetes mellitus. Residential
weeks combine the educational activities with the clinical evaluation of the patient,
so they include daily glycemic monitoring, adjustment of treatment, the
performance of supplementary tests as well as their evaluation by different
specialties. Standardization offers the details of the process, the recommended
schedules and places for each activity, the educational techniques by age groups
and the evaluation techniques of the activity.
Conclusions: The residential week represents an educational, therapeutic and
recreational procedure that allows knowing not only the health status of the patient
but also the existing family situation of the child and the adolescent living with
diabetes. The holistic action of the residential week is indispensable to improve the
diabetes treatment as well as to optimize the quality of life of patients suffering it.
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