2016, Number 2
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Rev Cuba Endoc 2016; 27 (2)
Some aspects of interest about bariatric surgery applied in childhood and adolescence
Hernández RJ, Licea PME, Marín JSM
Language: Spanish
References: 122
Page: 172-196
PDF size: 484.75 Kb.
Background: A significant percentage of obese children and adolescents develop
morbid obesity at some time of their adulthood. The use of bariatric surgery in
these patients is a controversial issue at present, so it is interesting to find out its
most relevant aspects and results in this stage of life.
Objective: To describe some aspects of interest on bariatric surgery applied in
childhood and adolescence.
Development: This review sets forth and comments on the main risks associated
to obesity in childhood and adolescence, the objectives of the treatment and the
inclusion criteria to be met in a bariatric surgery program. Emphasis was made on
length of previous treatment to assess the need for intervention, age, body mass
index, sexual, bone and psychological maturity of the patient, among other criteria,
for giving authorization. Counterindications and preoperative measures were also
described since knowing and complying with them would facilitate the expected
results. Mention was made to the surgical paths and techniques as well as some
results and complications of the bariatric surgery.
Final thoughts: Some aspects of interest on bariatric surgery in childhood and
adolescence were explained, with emphasis on the most controversial elements,
which will allow selecting the patients that could present better evolution with this
type of intervention.
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