2016, Number 3
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2016; 54 (3)
Validation of an adverse event reporting system in primary care
Rojas-Armadillo ML, Jiménez-Báez MV, Chávez-Hernández MM, González-Fondón A
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 327-333
PDF size: 317.97 Kb.
Background: Patient safety is a priority issue in health systems,
due to the damage costs, institutional weakening, lack
of credibility, and frustration on those who committed an error
that resulted in an adverse event. There is no standardized
instrument for recording, reporting, and analyzing sentinel or
adverse events (AE) in primary care. Our aim was to design
and validate a surveillance system for recording sentinel
events, adverse events and near miss incidents in primary
Methods: We made a review of systems for recording and
reporting adverse events in primary care. Then, we proposed
an instrument to record these events, and register faults in
the structure and process, in primary health care units in the
Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social.
Results. We showed VENCER-MF format to 35 subjects.
Out of them, 100 % identified a failure in care process, 90 %
recorded a sentinel event, 85 % identified the cause of this
event, 75 % of them suggested some measures for avoiding
the recurrence of adverse events. We used a Cronbach’s
alpha of 0.6,
p = 0.03.
Conclusion: The instrument VENCER-MF has a good consistency
for the identification of adverse events.
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