2016, Number 1
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Rev Hum Med 2016; 16 (1)
Proposal of actions to develop positive thinking in university students
Pernas ÁIA, Varona DM
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 35-53
PDF size: 125.27 Kb.
Introduction: Nurturing positive thinking in human beings is a necessity and it’s closely
linked with their quality of life. University students face an important stage of their vital
cycle. One of their goals is to achieve/attain a profession; that is why, to have an optimistic
attitude can be of great help to reach this purpose.
Methods: a descriptive and cross-sectional research was carried out in in order to
determine a system of actions to develop positive thinking in university students from
December 2012 to July 2014. Surveys were used in the diagnosis so as to identify the real
learning necessities, the level of knowledge on the topic and the current status of the
target population, which was composed by 167 students studying under curriculum D at
the Health Technology School in Camagüey. The information was analyzed through the
processing of data. Methods of the theoretical level were also used: analysis-synthesis,
induction-deduction and documental analysis. Educated consent was obtained.
Results: the necessity of knowing about this topic, as well as the certainty that not many
students implement positive thinking were demonstrated.
Conclusions: the necessity of acquiring knowledge on health topics was revealed through
the application of actions to develop students' positive thinking.
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