2016, Number 1
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Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas 2016; 15 (1)
Seft-perception of oral health in elderly porter of dentures
Rodríguez FM, Arpajón PY, Herrera LIB
Language: Spanish
References: 58
Page: 51-63
PDF size: 112.89 Kb.
Introduction: when we relating the quality of life with the oral health, incorporates the
patient's perception; however the information about self-perception of oral health in
older patients with dental prosthesis, it’s no take into consideration neither the methods
nor to measure it.
Objective: the aim of this article was to expose the theorist-practical bases of the selfperception of oral health in elder porter of dental prosthesis and the indicators for
Material and Methods: abibliographic review was conducted where 58 reference
materials were consulted (50 articles, five books, two thesis and one annual statistic of
health in Cuba). All were obtained of the databases Scielo, EBSCO, Google Academic,
PubMed, Medline and Lilacs, using the key words: quality of life, self-perception of oral
health, elderly, dentures porter, satisfaction, indexes.
Results: it was found that the quality of life keeps relationship with the self-perception
of oral health in elderly patients with dentures. The self-perception can vary according to
the sex, scholar level, prosthesis type and previous experience in the use, among other
factors. To measure it are used the oral health impact profile (OHIP) and the geriatric
oral healthassessment index (GOHAI), being this the most used.
Conclusions: the self-perception of oral health is an indicator of quality of life in elderly
patient’sporter of dentures and the GOHAI it has demonstrated to be an instrument with
high sensibility to clinical variables allowing to detect necessities of attention with bigger
easiness besides that it doesn't require of qualified personnel for its application.
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