2015, Number 4
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Rev Cub Med Mil 2015; 44 (4)
Updating on the diagnosis of human leptospirosis
Pérez EY, Obregón FAM, Rodríguez RIC, Alfonso GMJ
Language: Spanish
References: 39
Page: 416-427
PDF size: 106.03 Kb.
The human leptospirosis is zoonotic disease with worldwide distribution, frequently
present a difficult diagnosis because have a wide spectrum of clinical
manifestations. The objective of this work is to present an upgrade on the diagnosis
of the human leptospirosis; for it was consulted it the available bibliography on the
topic in the databases of Scielo, HINARI, Pubmed-Medline and different texts and
articles of the last five years to deepen in the diagnosis. The microbiologic
diagnostic is the base of the confirmation of the illness; it depends on the taking of
sample in the appropriate moment and the correct indication of the complementary
one according to the clinical phase. The observation for microscopy of dark field is
not very sensitive since the leptospiras can made a mistake with poetics filaments
or other devices. The etiologic agent's isolation constitutes the gold standard test;
although offers a retrospective result. The polymerase chain reaction is a method
used for the quick diagnosis of the infection, the quantitative variant in real time
shows substantial advantages, because it allows the immediate reading and avoids
the electrophoresis step, these techniques are not available for its high cost.
The serologic diagnostic charges vital importance in this entity, it overcomes in
speed, simplicity and low cost to the cultivation; the microagglutinación with a live
antigen is considered the reference technique. The detection of IgM for enzyme
linked immunobsorbent assay has been broadly used. The rapid tests based on the
lateral flow immunochromatography, are a very useful variant, since they offer the
result between 5 and 30 minutes.
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