2015, Number 4
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Rev Cubana Med Gen Integr 2015; 31 (4)
Acute coronary syndrome and self-efficacy for coping with stress: observational study in male patients
Pereyra GCI, Ofman SD, Cófreces P, Benassi MD, Stefani D
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 367-374
PDF size: 115.96 Kb.
Introduction: Cardiovascular diseases are a major health concern because of its high prevalence, and for being the leading cause of death worldwide.
Objective: Compare the levels of self-efficacy for coping with stress among a group of male patients with acute coronary syndrome and a group of men without coronary disease, both of similar socio-demographic characteristics.
Methods: A case-control study was conducted in a sample of 213 subjects. 106 had been diagnosed with acute coronary syndrome and 107 with no diagnosis of this
syndrome. Instruments: An ad hoc demographics data questionnaire and a selfefficacy scale were used for coping with stress.
Results: Statistically significant differences were found between the two groups. Coronary patients had lower levels of self-efficacy for coping with stress.
Conclusions: Knowledge of the levels of self-efficacy for coping with stress contributes to the overall diagnosis of the patient which can contribute to greater adherence. Also addressing this construct assists in the implementation of preventive interventions.
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